Everything has happned so fast - in the blink of an eye. Yesterday started with a plane ride from Cedar Rapids, Iowa to Chicago, Illinois. The flight lasted about 35 minutes and then the 3 hour lay over began. After sitting around and trying to figure out how to play Skip-bo for a while we ran out of time due to our inability to read directions and then boreded the plane. My first encounter with Germans began there. The gentlemen that sat next to me was from Germany and spoke only a few words of English but even at that we had a nice conversation. The dinners served at 11 were quite interesting, some sort of pasta or chicken. A movie or two later I began my attempt to fall asleep. The heat in the plane and the amount of leg room ended that attempt and I gave up after 4 hours. The breakfast was served and the plane landed. Exiting in the 2nd asile had me lost on the bus. Not knowing where everyone was was scarry but after a couple messages on my blkackberry I found my way. We then walked through customs where we got our passports stamped! Frankfurt here we come! After meeting up with our travel advisor we were sent into the heart of Frankfurt to meet up with the rest of the group. From there we went into a skyscraper to get a birds eye view of the city. And Frankfurt is beautiful! As the breeze blew through my hair it hit me...I was in Germany! After a while of looking at the city from above we went to see some cultural aspects of the city and a cathedral built in the 13th century. From there we headed back to the airport and had some delicous German pizza. A whole German pizza just to myself was what I needed. From there we talked, got to know each other better, and started our blogs. After passing back through customs it leads me to where I am now. Waiting for the plane to arrive to take me to South Africa, our final destination and where the real adventures and discovery begins.
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Great info. on the start of your travel adventures. I like the detail. Makes us feel like we are traveling beside you. Keep the blog going as we will be be checking it regularly. Have fun, learn a lot and remember to enjoy the adventure.
It's wonderful to read about the beginning of your trip. I hope to be able to read the updates over the next several days:) Mrs. Schroeder
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